
Listos California Trailers and Toolkits Grant Opportunity

Status: Program Closed

Open to Apply Date: January 11, 2021

Deadline: January 25, 2021 at midnight PST

Award Announcement


Synopsis of Grant Opportunity:

California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) and California Volunteers/Listos are pleased to announce a joint collaboration to provide grants to communities throughout California in an effort to reach vulnerable communities with the Listos! Messaging of Emergency Preparedness through our “20 Listos Trailers and Tools Grant Opportunity”.

The purpose of this program is to provide custom 6x12x6 Trailers and a $10,000 stipend to purchase tools to complement and enhance established Chipper and Defensible Space Programs. A list of suggested tools can be found here.

Trailers will be customized and delivered to recipients. Tools will be purchased directly by applicant after receiving the stipend. Applicants must have insurance to cover the trailer and mechanism for taking title to the trailer.  Stipend will be supplied upon invoicing from FSC/organization.

Funding Available:

1 (6 x 12 x 6) tool trailer , custom wrap with logo and a stipend of $10,000 to purchase listed tools.

Only 12 trailers are available in this opportunity.

Program Eligibility:

Eligible applicants must be incorporated to do business in California such as Fire Safe Councils, Resource Conservation District or similar organizations and must serve vulnerable communities in California. Applicants are encouraged to partner with an entity that can act as a Fiscal Sponsor, if applicable.


Applicants are encouraged to secure 5,000 “engagements” utilizing the Listos Emergency Preparedness Guide and messaging, however this is a GOAL not a requirement.

Types of engagements may include social media posts, radio announcement, cable TV, PSAs, direct mailings, blog posts, website posts, and every “like” you receive is counted as an engagement.

Training on tracking and obtaining engagements will be provided by CFSC and Uptown Studios.


Accepting Applications: January 11, 2021

Final application deadline is January 25, 2021 at midnight PST

Equipment and supplies become the property of the organization and do not need to be returned to CFSC.




Dan Lang          



Elizabeth LaMar
(559) 288-2603

Download this Grant Opportunity