Status: CLOSED.
Grant Program Guidance
- 2019 Grant Award Handbook
- 2019 SFA Application Handbook
- 2019 Request for Applications (RFA)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 2019 Grant Application Workshop PowerPoint Slides
- Webinar recorded on 5/13/19.
Audio starts at 6:22 and the video starts at 12:22
California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) is pleased to announce 21 projects have been selected for funding for the 2019 Grants Clearinghouse Fire Prevention Program. View the 2019-Grant-Report for a list of selected projects.
CFSC approved over $2 million in federal grant funds to support wildfire risk reduction projects in at-risk communities in 17 counties across California.
The selected projects help California communities respond to the growing concern over catastrophic wildfire and exemplify efforts to create fire adapted communities. Through subgrants from CFSC, these projects provide support to implement fuel reduction projects such as community chipper programs, fuel breaks, and roadside and defensible space projects. These projects will also utilize educational tools to spread the Fire Safe message and engage community members.
Funding for the 2019 Grants Clearinghouse is provided through master grants to CFSC by the Cooperative Fire Program of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Department of Agriculture, Pacific Southwest Region and the Bureau of Land Management, Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and Community Fire Assistance Service. These State Fire Assistance and WUI Community Assistance grants provide $2,275,000 for subgrants to support:
- Hazardous fuels reduction and maintenance projects on non-federal land
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans and other plans or assessments
- Prevention and mitigation education and outreach opportunities.
In addition to the federal funds, the projects will utilize over $2.9 million in matching funds, both in-kind and cash contributions. This generous support demonstrates the value of collaboration and partnerships among agencies and organizations to create Fire Adapted Communities.
Congratulations to the Fire Safe Councils, resource conservation districts, fire protection agencies, and other organizations whose projects were selected for funding!
Synopsis of Grant Opportunity
California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) is pleased to announce its competitive application process for 2019 wildfire prevention grants. Funding is provided through a master grant to CFSC by the U.S. Forest Service to administer the Grants Clearinghouse program, with CFSC issuing sub-awards to successful applicants for the following areas of fire risk reduction to restore and maintain resilient landscapes and create fire-adapted communities:
- Hazardous fuels reduction and maintenance projects on non-federal land,
- Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP) and other community hazard mitigation planning documents,
- Fire prevention and mitigation education and outreach opportunities for landowners and residents in communities at-risk to wildfire.
Funding, Cost Share Requirement, and Duration:
CFSC has approximately $2 million available for 2019 SFA wildfire prevention projects.
The mandatory cost share is 100%.
Federal funding can account for up to 50% of the project’s cost and the remaining 50% must come from non-federal sources and can include cash and/or third-party in-kind. For example, a $200,00 grant request will need to be matched with $200,000 from the applicant and cooperators.
We encourage applicants to utilize their CAL FIRE 2018-19 California Climate Investment (CCI) Fire Prevention Grants Program as matching contributions for the CFSC 19 SFA grant program if the objectives of the CFSC 19 SFA grant application are included within the scope and the active dates of the CAL FIRE grant. To see the list of Cal Fire award recipients, please visit Fire Prevention Grants Program.
The grant performance period is 24 months. Grant funds cannot be expended after the termination date. The grant start date is anticipated to be October 2019, however, dates are subject to change.
Grant Application Limits
The maximum grant application request cannot exceed $200,000 for federal dollars. The maximum amount of applications that can be submitted is two(2) by a single Organization.
Fiscal sponsors may submit 2 applications and receive up to $200,000 for themselves, plus be awarded up to $100,000 each for sponsoring organizations (up to 3 organizations total). To illustrate this, if a fiscal sponsor is sponsoring 3 organizations each asking for $100,000, then all three may be funded, for a total of $300,000 plus up to $200,00 for their own request. So a fiscal sponsor can potentially be awarded up to $500,000. For more information on fiscal sponsors read our 19 SFA Application Handbook.
Important Notices
This grant program is funded in full by the U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region under the terms of Grant number 18-DG-11052012-134. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Forest Service. California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) is committed to making its materials and programs accessible to all customers and employees. If you experience any difficulty accessing information provided by CFSC, please contact us at or (916) 648-3600. We will do our best to assist you. This may include providing the information to you in an alternate format.
In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, CFSC is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs. CFSC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
To file a complaint of discrimination: write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C., 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.