
Success Stories

Sierra Resource Conservation District

Grant Success Story

The Sierra Resource Conservation District (RCD) is being highlighted for the Eastern Fresno County FireSafe & Stewardship Fuels Reduction grant. Awarded in June 2019, work had just been started when the COVID-19 pandemic began impacting progress. In September of 2020, the Creek Fire ignited and directly impacted the grant area. However, the outstanding work done by Sierra RCD is credited with saving 5 homes. The grant then morphed into Post-Fire Recovery project to help the citizens recover from the wildfire and become more resilient in the future. Please go with us on a journey as we highlight the resilience of one grant in the face of a devastating fire.



Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council

Organizational Success Story

The Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council (MCFSC) is being highlighted as an organizational success story by the California Fire Safe Council because they are the gold standard of what Fire Safe Councils are trying to achieve throughout California. They have built their success from the ground up, working with local organizations and the community to develop a strong CWPP that has clear objectives. They have a nationally renowned volunteer group called the Woodies and have built strong partnerships with their community to build fire resiliency in the San Jacinto Mountains. In 2021 MCFSC was awarded the Resilience Brilliance Award for the ‘Community Collaboration’ category. Please go with us on a journey as we highlight Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council’s successes as an organization and provide you insights into where they plan to go in the coming years.

Ojai Valley Fire Safe Council

Fuels Treatment Success Story

The Ojai Valley Fire Safe Council (OVFSC) is being highlighted for its Community Supported Grazing Program. OVFSC’s program is based in part on the Marin Fire Safe Council’s successful grazing program. OVSFC’s goal is to create an innovative and transferrable framework for how a community-supported prescribed grazing program can be developed and implemented from the ground up. Please join us on a journey of how the organization started, how the program has started, the team, and the benefits of grazing.


Model Defensible Space Services Program

A Pilot Partnership between CAL FIRE and California Fire Safe Council

In October 2020, the California Fire Safe Council (CFSC) launched the Model Defensible Space Services Program with funding from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) under Agreement 5CA05028. The program’s goal was to develop and implement a coordinated approach to defensible space compliance with CAL FIRE and other key wildfire prevention stakeholders. The Model Defensible Space Services Program provided defensible space assistance in Butte, Napa and Los Angeles Counties with priority for vulnerable populations (i.e., low-income, senior/elderly, disabled and disadvantaged).